A Story of Recovery:

The Other White Stuff

The term, “Keep it simple,” mocked me as I felt the sizzle of heartburn announce that my latest concoction of herbs and spices was not agreeing with my stomach. My program encourages simplicity and neutrality around food. However, it seemed when I put down sugar, I picked up salt—the other “white stuff.” While my food was always abstinent, I made sure it looked and tasted good. So when I cooked, I would shake on the seasonings with a generous hand.

After a visit to the doctor, he confirmed that I had acid reflux disease. It was probably an outcome of my years of binge eating that took me to 276 pounds. Now that I have come into FA, lost over 100 pounds, and am eating good food, I somehow did not expect to deal with the consequences of my past eating habits.

My body seems happiest when my food is lower in sodium and basic. I have surrendered my need to over-season my food, and I have discovered I enjoy it just as well.

My FA food—simple, measured, and clean—is enough. I am not a gourmet; I am an addict who wants freedom. This little step of faith allows me to take one more step away from food obsession and another step toward a loving Higher power.


This story was originally published in the Connection Magazine. Subscribe to the Connection Magazine for more stories of recovery. Or submit your own story of recovery.