Posts about Struggling

Going the Distance

My FA journey started when I was living in a small fly-in Inuit community in Nunavut called Arctic Bay, which is located on the most northerly tip of Baffin Island. I had just returned back from my home in Edmonton, Alberta, where I had met with my family doctor. I told her I thought that I had arthritis in my knees, because I could not raise myself from the floor to a chair without pushing myself up on a chair. She told me, “You don’t have arthritis. You are too fat.” At 5’6” tall, I weighed 221 pounds (about 100 kilos). She also told me, “You can either lose weight or go on insulin for the rest of your life. What do you want to do?” Then she told me about FA saying, “It’s hard, but it works.” I went to my first meeting that night and found a temporary... Continue Reading



The Almighty Apple

It was the day after my latest “first share”–that share after 90 days of back-to-back abstinence. I was in the grocery story buying food for the next day’s meals. I was stressed, I was in a rush, and I was determined to buy the perfect apple.  The fruit specialist in this fancy grocery store offered to help by cutting a slice and offering it to me. A few thoughts immediately fired in rapid succession. Oh no! No need to waste a good apple and then How nice of him to do this for me followed by Oooohh, a taste test! I said, “Okay!” and proceeded to eat the slice. It was perfect. Then he offered another slice which I proceeded to eat. I thanked him, bagged my apples, went to the dairy section, selected my items, went to the check-out line, and then gasped when I realized what I had... Continue Reading



Settling into an Abstinent Life

I came into FA at 27 years old, 197 pounds (about 90 kilos), and was living with my boyfriend at the time. We had met in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) about one and a-half years prior, moved in together after six months, and had labeled ourselves as the young AA power couple. We both went to lots of meetings and were known in the AA community. We were in the “in” crowd and life was good, except my food addiction was progressing at rapid speeds. I was in OA (Overeaters Anonymous) prior to coming into FA, and though I was nowhere near what we call abstinent, I wasn’t blackout bingeing daily. At my top weight I was around 250 pounds (about 113 kilos) but for most of my disease, I yo-yoed between 180-200 pounds (about 82-91 kilos). After we had begun living together my disease took off again, as it always... Continue Reading



Another First 90 Days

I was not at all sure that I would ever reach 90 days again after breaking my abstinence earlier this year. Yesterday, thank you God, was my ninetieth day, although it took me five months to get there. Why should I be surprised at that? When I came into FA, it took me several years to get the very first 90 days. My path has been very crooked. Dishonesty was my middle name. I was full of fear, and I didn’t trust God. I lied to my sponsor and myself because I didn’t want to be dropped. Little did I realize that the lying was the reason I might be dropped, not the extra food or non-abstinent behavior. I never gave a sponsor a real chance to help me. Until January of this year, I had not had any sugar or flour in five or six years. On January 30... Continue Reading



Don’t Quit Before The Miracle Happens

I had recently graduated from college and was avoiding dealing with horrific sexual abuse that had happened to me towards the end of my senior year.  The way I was eating was insane because I was trying to escape my feelings and was in severe trauma and isolation.  I spent all my free time in the kitchen making strange concoctions in a blender with frozen foods that shouldn’t go together. I was eating food out of a large colander outside on the balcony while squatting on the ground in my underwear. I felt like I was nothing but an animal because of how I’d been treated, so I ate like one too. Thankfully, God guided me towards FA in a coffee shop right by my house.  While I was waiting for my sugary caffeinated drink and bingeing on baked goods I noticed a pamphlet that said, “Are you having trouble... Continue Reading