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EAI Community Information

Spreading the message of recovery throughout the Eastern Area

The EAI PI Committee strives to inform the public about the fact of FA’s existence, to provide information and resources to EAI PI Reps & Meetings, and to get the message of FA recovery to the still suffering food addict. We do our best to ensure that everyone who needs FA finds FA.

The Information Session Subcommittee is designed to support and assist FA meetings and LSGs, for the purpose of organizing and running information sessions. We offer two types of information sessions, each with its own format: a session for the community and a session for healthcare professionals. Information sessions can be done in person or virtually.  Support is offered for the virtual type of information session by scheduling a 1-hour workshop to guide the organization and the running of a virtual information session. Guidance is offered for support in running an in-person information session. The effectiveness of the information meeting to get an audience is strengthened by asking FA members to send an invite, stating for example: I’d like to invite you to a [in-person or virtual]  information meeting about food addiction for people who struggle with food and weight and for their friends, family, or health care providers.
The Health Fair Subcommittee is designed to guide the FA meetings and LSGs, regarding health fairs that would be appropriate for FA to participate in to spread the word of FA recovery. The health fair will be organized by two coordinators—one from the EAI PI Health Fair Subcommittee. The EAI PI Health Fair Subcommittee Coordinator will join in calls with FA meeting Coordinator and/or LSG Coordinator to answer any questions and direct them to follow the Health Fair Guidelines document with emphasis in following FA protocol for all procedures and tasks.

EAI Public Information (PI) Committee Meeting

Join us on Intergroup Sunday at 7:30am ET when members of the EAI PI Committee will be available prior to the start of the regular committee meeting to answer questions for PI Reps or any other fellow with PI-related questions. Click here for the direct link to the meeting on Zoom, or use the Zoom App on your smartphone and enter Meeting ID 845 8695 6527, Passcode: 2020. For phone only (US), call 646-558-8656 and enter Meeting ID: 845 8695 6527, Passcode: 2020. To find your local phone number, click here. The committee meeting will follow at 8:00am ET. All are welcome to join us!!!

EAI PI Resources

The EAI PI Committee offers the following resources to all EAI Meetings. Please email eaipi@foodaddicts.org for more information:

  • FA Tablecloths (6’ or 8’) to borrow for use at health fairs, Info Sessions etc.
  • FA Banners and Signs to borrow for use at health fairs, Info Sessions etc.
  • Clear Lucite Trifold Racks at no charge for placing FA Trifold racks in the community
  • Financial Assistance to print your area trifold
  • Financial Assistance for PI Outreach Efforts – click here for the application

Health Care Media Presentation

Under Review

Public Information Resources

Contact Information

Kathryn W., EAI PI Committee Chair