Document 7: Service Positions – Description of Responsibilities
FA meetings remain strong when members take active roles by volunteering for their meetings’ service positions.
Abstinence Requirements
FA meetings have abstinence requirements for those wishing to take on service positions. Abstinence refers to continuous abstinence while the member is working with an FA sponsor. This practice protects and supports newcomers by allowing them to focus on their own recovery rather than immediately taking on service positions. The guidelines for length of abstinence for each service position are only suggestions (except for World Conference Member), though meetings are encouraged to follow them when possible.
Rotation of Roles
In keeping with Tradition Nine, FA meetings regularly rotate leadership to avoid dependence on any one member. Service positions may be rotated every six months, once a year, or at some other frequency that best meets the meeting's needs and size.
Required Positions
The number of filled service positions will vary from meeting to meeting. The positions of WSI (World Service Incorporated), Intergroup, Chapter (if applicable), and Meeting Contacts, as well as Secretary and Treasurer, are required in order to maintain communication between individual meetings and the larger organization of FA. Smaller meetings may only need to fill some of the optional service positions referenced below. However, for videoconference meetings, while FA does not currently require tech-related service positions in order to register your meeting and be listed on the FA website, these meetings do require technologically proficient fellows to run and protect our meetings, our members, and FA as a whole.
Required Service Positions
Chapter Contact
Suggested continuous abstinence: Two years plus completion of one in-depth study of the Twelve Steps within the current term of abstinence.
Suggested term of service: Two years
Required position: Only if the meeting is registered with a Chapter.
Purpose: Act as the liaison between the meeting and the Chapter.
The role of the Chapter Contact is to:
Create and maintain a profile on the FA Website (
Ask the Meeting Contact to register their name and email to receive Chapter communications.
Review all email correspondence sent by the local Chapter.
Introduce themselves as and the Chapter Contact for that meeting. Share the date of the next Chapter meeting and any other Chapter-related announcements.
Distribute Chapter correspondence as needed or requested. The meeting should use its Seventh Tradition collection to reimburse the Chapter Contact for any printing or copying expenses incurred.
Announce and attend monthly Chapter meetings.
Submit meeting information changes using the online Meeting Change Form.
Intergroup Contact
Suggested continuous abstinence: Two years plus completion of one in-depth study of the Twelve Steps within the current term of abstinence.
Suggested term of service: Two years
Required position: Yes
Purpose: Act as the liaison between the meeting and the Intergroup.
The role of the Intergroup Contact is to:
Create and maintain a profile on the FA Website (
Ask the Meeting Contact to register their name and email to receive Intergroup communications.
Review all email correspondence sent by the local Intergroup.
Introduce themselves as the Intergroup Contact for that meeting. Share the date of the next Intergroup meeting and any other Intergroup-related announcements.
Distribute Intergroup correspondence as needed or requested. The meeting should use its Seventh Tradition collection to reimburse the Intergroup Contact for any printing or copying expenses incurred.
Announce and attend monthly Intergroup meetings.
Submit meeting information changes using the online Meeting Change Form.
Meeting Contact*
Suggested continuous abstinence: Two years plus completion of one in-depth study of the Twelve Steps within the current term of abstinence.
Suggested term of service: Two years
Required position: Yes
Purpose: Serve as the initial source of contact for information for newcomers or members seeking information about specific meetings.
*It is suggested that meetings identify both a primary and an alternate contact.
PLEASE NOTE: The Meeting Contact’s name and phone number will appear on the WSI meeting directory on the FA website and will be listed on meeting directories that may be printed and distributed by Intergroups, Chapters, and local regions.
The role of the Meeting Contact is to:
Create and maintain a profile on the FA Website (
Register new meetings on the FA website and indicate if in-person, by telephone, or videoconference.
Enter the information for the new Meeting Contact, prior to stepping down from the role:
On the “My FA Profile” page, locate “Manage My Meetings” and click on “Submit Meeting Changes Request.”
Scroll to the Meeting Service Positions” section and, at minimum, enter the information for “Meeting Contact.”
If the Meeting Contact is not available, the WSI, Intergroup, or Chapter Contact can enter this instead.
Check phone/text messages regularly and promptly return calls about the meeting.
Ask each new service person to check/update the contact information in their FA Profile.
Submit changes to the meeting information (day, time, location, names and contact information for service positions) as needed. Click on the “Submit Meeting Change Request” button on the “Manage My Meetings” page.
Verify the accuracy of their meeting information on the website prior to monthly business meetings. At the business meeting review contact information with members in the above-listed service positions to maintain accuracy.
Distribute all email correspondence from WSI, the meeting’s Intergroup and Chapter (when applicable) and serve as a backup in the absence of the WSI, Intergroup, or Chapter Contacts.The meeting should use its Seventh Tradition collection to reimburse the Intergroup Contact for any printing or copying expenses incurred.
Suggested continuous abstinence: One year
Suggested term of service: One year
Required position: Yes
Purpose: Lead the monthly business meetings.
The role of the Secretary is to:
Create and maintain a profile on the FA Website (
Introduce themselves as the Meeting Secretary for that meeting and announce the information below.
One week before the business meeting: “There will be a business meeting following next week’s meeting. All members are welcome to attend. Members with 90 days or more of continuous abstinence who have an FA sponsor and regularly attend this meeting will have a voice and a vote.”
On the day/night of the business meeting, announce that the business meeting will take place immediately after the meeting concludes.
Lead the business meeting and announce all bold-faced items noted in the Business Meeting Format found online in Document 7A.
Record business meeting minutes,and store them in an organized binder or a digital folder.
Keep track of service positions and ensure that they are rotated regularly and filled. (See the Meeting Service Positions list on the last page of Document 7A)
Remind members who are newly elected to service positions to review their position descriptions on Document 7 on the FA website.
Update the FA Meeting Format if/when conference-approved changes occur (these are typically voted in at the World Service Business Convention in even years).
To ensure the business meeting runs smoothly, consider the following:
Ask people to raise their actual or virtual hand and wait to be called on before speaking.
For telephone meetings, ask members to unmute to speak. If multiple people speak simultaneously, call on one person at a time.
Ask those who have already shared to give others a chance to share, before speaking again.
When a motion or issue is presented, allow time for a discussion. Thorough discussion often reveals a consensus or helps move people toward group conscience. If needed, call alternately on those who support and those who oppose. Take time bringing the meeting to a vote. Sometimes it’s wise to postpone a vote until the next business meeting.
By group conscience, set a time limit for business meetings, usually 30 minutes. If the meeting needs to be extended, ask for a motion to extend the meeting and, if seconded, ask for a vote. If the motion does not pass, continue the discussion at the following month’s business meeting.
Use the following simple principles of parliamentary procedure, if desired:
Members must frame a proposal in the form of a main motion (i.e., I move that…).
The proposed motion must be seconded before proceeding.
Amendments offered during discussion must be seconded, then discussed and voted on, before the body can return to the main motion.
There can only be one main motion on the floor at a time and no new motion can be considered before the first is addressed.
“Tabling” a motion means requesting it be set aside for later discussion. No debate is allowed on such a motion. It requires an immediate vote.
Suggested continuous abstinence: Two years plus completion of one in-depth study of the Twelve Steps within the current term of abstinence.
Suggested term of service: One year
Required position: Yes
Purpose: Keep track of the meeting’s finances.
The role of the Treasurer is to:
Create and maintain a profile on the FA Website (
Keep a record of all income and expenses and record transactions as soon as possible.
Use the treasurer's report template (found in Document 7A) to compile the monthly report, prior to the next business meeting.
Present the prepared monthly report at each business meeting.
Pay monthly expenses and maintain an appropriate prudent reserve.
Obtain and/or renew virtual platform license.
Distribute remaining funds to World Service Incorporated (WSI), Eastern or Western Area Intergroup, (EAI/WAI), or a Chapter. For example, a meeting could choose to allocate 75% to WSI and 25% to WAI, or choose a 50/50 split. The percentage is determined by each meeting’s group conscience. To make the donation:
Go to to donate electronically and select “donate.” Enter the amount and the meeting day, time and location.
If donating by check, write the meeting day, time, and location on the memo line. Mailing addresses can be found at
Create QR codes (e.g., for Venmo, PayPal, Cash Ap, Zelle, etc) for meetings offering electronic payments. For help creating QR codes contact
Provide multiple methods for members to contribute to the 7th tradition.
In-person meetings:
Provide a container for 7th tradition donations.
Place a printed copy of the QR code in the 7th tradition collection container or on the literature table, if the meeting provides an option for electronic donations.
Count any cash received and store the cash in a safe location.
Videoconference meetings:
Review Virtual Meeting Treasurer Training at
Provide options to collect seventh tradition donations electronically by including the QR code(s) in the digital format and put the link to the donation site(s) in the Chat for easy online donations.
Post donation information in the Chat during the meeting announcements:
“This meeting accepts payment through [enter payment app and/or QR code] or contact me for other options. To donate directly to FA use the link:“
Phone meetings:
Encourage participants to use the donation link at the FA website. Donations can be designated for WSI, WAI, or EAI.
The treasurer MAY NOT open an account in the name of FA. WSI, Intergroups and Chapters are registered with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as nonprofit organizations. Meetings are not registered with the IRS, and therefore, it would be fraudulent to open an account with the name of FA.
The treasurer may open a checking account in their name, if needed. The account must be separate from the treasurer’s personal account. To avoid confusion, the new account should be easily identifiable, e.g., “Tuesday Night Meeting.” Again, the treasurer MAY NOT open an account in the name of FA. Doing so is fraudulent.
World Service Incorporated (WSI) Contact
Suggested continuous abstinence: Two years plus completion of one in-depth study of the Twelve Steps in sequence, using a method focused on food addiction and requiring abstinence throughout each Step, within the current term of abstinence, per WSI bylaws.
Suggested term of service: Two years
Required position: Yes
Purpose: Act as the liaison between the meeting and WSI.
The role of the WSI Contact is to:
Create and maintain a profile on the FA Website (
Ask the Meeting Contact to register their name and email to receive WSI communications.
Review all email correspondence sent by WSI.
Introduce themselves as the WSI Contact for that meeting when the leader calls for announcements and share relevant WSI information, e.g., registration deadlines for the World Service Business or Fellowship Conventions or WSI e-forums located on the Events Calendar on the FA website.
Distribute WSI correspondences (such as the Midterm and Business Convention Reports) as needed or requested, electronically or in print (for in-person meetings). The meeting should use its Seventh Tradition collection to reimburse the WSI Contact for any printing or copying expenses incurred.
Submit meeting information changes using the online Meeting Change Form.
Optional Service Positions
Connection Magazine Representative
Suggested continuous abstinence: Six months
Suggested term of service: One year
Required position: Yes, if the meeting has a subscription to the magazine.
Purpose: Ensure that meeting attendees have access to Connection Magazine.
The role of the Connection Representative is to:
Create and maintain a profile on the FA Website (
Ask the Meeting Contact to register the Connection representative’s name and email to receive Connection communications.
Introduce themselves as the Connection Representative for that meeting when the Connection announcement is read in the meeting format.
Raise awareness about Connection when giving the Connection report at business meetings.
Encourage members to submit stories to and artwork to
For in person meetings, order or renew the Connection print subscription(s). Only the Connection Representative may purchase a meeting subscription and it must be ordered online. Individual members are welcome to purchase their own subscription as well.
Receive the meeting’s subscription at their home address and bring each month’s copy to the meeting .
Receive and relay correspondence from the WSI Connection committee.
Participate in Connection Representative conference calls with the WSI Connection committee.
Contact with any questions.
Suggested continuous abstinence: Six months
Suggested term of service: Six months
Required position: No
Purpose: To make newcomers feel welcome and direct them to available resources.
*Most meetings choose two greeters, but the number of greeters may vary depending on the size of the meeting.
The role of the Greeter varies depending on the meeting platform:
In-person meetings:
Arrive 10 minutes early and remain after to talk to newcomers and answer questions.
Introduce themselves as a Greeter for that meeting.
Guide any newcomers to the newcomer packet, phone list, and available sponsors if they wish. As appropriate, repeat availability of resources like the FA website, literature, podcasts, and Connection.
Videoconference meetings:
Introduce themselves as a Greeter for that meeting.
Place contact information into the chat.
Phone meetings:
Introduce themselves as a Greeter for that meeting along with their name, phone number, and time zone.
Literature Representative
Suggested continuous abstinence: Six months
Suggested term of service: Six months
Required position: No
Purpose: Ensure that meeting attendees have access to FA Conference-approved literature.
The role of the Literature Representative is to:
Create and maintain a profile on the FA Website (
Introduce themselves as the Literature Representative for that meeting when the literature announcement is read in the meeting format. At videoconference meetings paste the following (or similar) in the chat:
Welcome newcomers! You can access links to pamphlets, podcasts, and more at There is more literature to read online or purchase at Please reach out with any questions.
In-person meetings:
Set up the literature table before every meeting, to include pamphlets, books, newcomer packets, Connection magazine, phone list, and the literature price list .
Announce the FA Newsletter: “The FA Newsletter is published on the 1st and 15th of each month. You will automatically receive this publication once you have created your personal profile on the FA website.”
Announce availability of print and digital literature: “All FA literature is available directly from the FA website. Printed copies can be purchased and most items can be read at no cost. Free audio recordings are on the FA website and FA podcasts can be found on the podcast app of your choice.”
Order literature when needed.
Stay during the break and after the meeting to help newcomers.
Coordinate with the treasurer regarding income and expenses relating to literature.
Meeting Effectiveness Support and Assistance (MESA) Representative
Suggested continuous abstinence: One year
Suggested term of service: One year
Required position: No
Purpose: Serve as the contact person between the meeting and the MESA subcommittee.
The role of the MESA Representative is to:
Create and maintain a profile on the FA Website (
Introduce themselves as the MESA Representative for that meeting when the MESA announcement is read in the meeting format.
Select and read a question from Document 9: Meeting Effectiveness Questions either during the weekly FA meeting or the monthly business meeting, depending on the meeting’s group conscience.
Become familiar with FA Meeting Guidelines to best answer questions during business meetings.
Offer support and assistance to the meeting so members can better carry the message of recovery.
Ask the Meeting Contact to register the MESA Rep’s name and email on the FA website to receive communications from the WSI MESA committee.
Join the monthly MESA committee call which provides information, support, and resources.
Receive MESA committee email communications and share relevant information with the meeting.
Encourage members to contact with questions.
Phone List Coordinator
Suggested continuous abstinence: Six months
Suggested term of service: Six months
Required position: No
Purpose: To create and distribute a list of members’ contact information for phone calls.
The role of the Phone List Coordinator is to:
Introduce themselves as the Phone List Coordinator for that meeting.
Distribute (via hardcopy or email) a phone list of regular attendees at:
In-person meetings provide printed copies. The meeting should use its Seventh Tradition collection to reimburse the Phone List Coordinator for any printing or copying expenses incurred.
Videoconference meetings post a link to access the most recent phone list.
Phone meetings provide an email address so members may request a copy.
Provide options for members to be added to the phone list at:
In-person meetings regularly circulate a copy for updates.
Videoconference meetings post a link for members to add their information.
Phone meetings provide an email address for members to submit their information.
Public Information Representative (PI)*
Suggested continuous abstinence: One year
Suggested term of service: Two years
Required position: No
Purpose: Coordinate their meeting’s efforts to inform and educate community members, professionals, and potential newcomers, so that anyone who needs FA can find FA.
*This position can be shared between two or three people, if desired.
The role of the Public Information Representative is to:
Create and maintain a profile on the FA Website (
Provide hard copy FA approved announcements for posting in public areas as needed.
Post calendar items with the meeting’s time and location online and in local media.
Attend the monthly business meeting and introduce themselves as the PI representative for that meeting.
Announce any upcoming FA Information Sessions posted on the FA Calendar.
Distribute Food Addiction and the FA Solution to anyone planning to visit a health care provider in the upcoming month.
PI representatives may also consider joining with members from their meeting, or with PI reps from other meetings to form a Local Service Group (LSG) and work on such projects as:
Bulk ordering of FA literature.
Speaker Seeker
Suggested continuous abstinence: Two years plus completion of one in-depth study of the Twelve Steps within the current term of abstinence.
Suggested term of service: Six months
Required position: No
Purpose: Find an FA member, with at least 90 days of continuous abstinence, to lead the meeting each week. Tradition Nine reminds us that rotating leadership helps the meeting avoid dependence on a few people. Speakers lead the meeting and provide the first impression of FA to newcomers.
The role of the Speaker Seeker is to:
Schedule someone to lead the meeting as much as one full month ahead of time. To avoid undue stress on potential leaders, resist the temptation to book in anticipation of a member reaching 90 days of continuous abstinence.
Call or text the leader to remind them of their commitment to lead. For phone or videoconference meetings, send the leader the meeting’s phone number or link.
Inform the leader the type of meeting they will be leading, per the meeting’s monthly rotation (e.g., Qualification, Literature, Sharing). For qualification meetings, let the speaker know how much time they will have to share.
Photographs for qualification meetings:
Do not include photos with food.
In-person meetings: The person qualifying may share photos of themselves at the peak of their disease.
Video conference meetings: The person qualifying may send digital photos to the Tech Team, unless they feel comfortable sharing their pictures from their personal screen.
Videoconference Meeting Host
Suggested continuous abstinence: One year
Suggested term of service: Six months
Required position: No*
Purpose: To ensure the technology runs smoothly so that meeting members can stay focused on recovery from food addiction, as well as take measures to prevent and address potential Zoom bombing, if necessary.
*This position is not required by FA in order to be registered and listed on the FA website, however it is required at the meeting level to ensure smooth operation of video conference meetings. Note that most videoconference meetings have more than one person available to serve in each tech-related role in order to rotate the position weekly, or in case someone is unavailable.
The role of the Videoconference Meeting Host is to:
Be aware of and well-versed in the current videoconference meeting best practices of your platform.
Sign into the meeting 10-15 minutes early or claim the Host Key once signed in (if using Zoom).
Ensure the Screen Sharer and any additional Tech Support People (if needed) are made co-hosts.
Assist participants with tech-related issues such as renaming themselves or fixing their audio/video.
Mute all participants except the leader after the Serenity Prayer and after the break
Let those speaking know if they are on mute or if their audio is difficult to hear.
Lower hands after fellows read or share, if they have forgotten to do it themselves.
Set up and close breakout rooms:
The group decides at the business meeting how many people should be in each breakout room.
Once breakout rooms are assigned, review to ensure nobody is in a room alone and reassign participants, if needed.
Remain available during the break in case there are technical issues.
Optional, depending on your meeting’s needs and group conscience:
Rename yourself as “HOST [First Name, Last Initial]” with location and phone number, if desired.
Enable “live transcript” feature.
If there is a perceived threat of Zoom bombing:
Follow the best practices listed here.
Attend WSI technology training as needed to stay current with best practices.
Videoconference Meeting Screen Sharer
Suggested continuous abstinence: One year
Suggested term of service: Six months
Required position: No*
Purpose: To ensure the meeting format is shared properly on screen and share pictures of those qualifying, if/when applicable.
*This position is not required by FA in order to be registered and listed on the FA website, however it is required at the meeting level to ensure smooth operation of video conference meetings. Note that most videoconference meetings have more than one person available to serve in each tech-related role in order to rotate the position weekly, or in case someone is unavailable.
The role of the Videoconference Meeting Screen Sharer is to:
Be aware of and well-versed in the current videoconference meeting best practices of your platform.
Sign into the meeting 10-15 minutes early.
Share meeting format slides in “presentation mode” on the screen for qualifiers and others to read.
Share the speaker/qualifier’s pictures, if applicable.
Stop and restart screen sharing at the appropriate times throughout the meeting (e.g. when the speaker qualifies, when those in service positions make announcements, when fellows share after the main qualification, etc.).
Videoconference Meeting Tech Support (if needed)
Suggested continuous abstinence: One year
Suggested term of service: Six months
Required position: No*
Purpose: To help ensure the technology runs smoothly so that meeting members can stay focused on recovery from food addiction, as well as take measures to prevent and address potential Zoom bombing, if necessary.
*This position is not required by FA in order to be registered and listed on the FA website, however depending on the size and the needs of the meeting, additional tech support may be helpful for the smooth operation of video conference meetings. Note that most videoconference meetings have more than one person available to serve in each tech-related role in order to rotate the position weekly, or in case someone is unavailable.
The role of Videoconference Meeting Tech Support is to:
Be aware of and well-versed in the current videoconference meeting best practices of your platform.
Sign into the meeting 10-15 minutes early.
Assist the Videoconference Meeting Host as needed, dividing duties in advance of your meeting:
Help mute/unmute fellows.
Help lower hands after fellows read or share, if they have forgotten to do it themselves.
Help monitor the Chat and respond to questions/concerns.
Help fellows to rename themselves as needed.
If there is a perceived threat of Zoom bombing:
Follow the best practices listed here.
Attend WSI technology training as needed to stay current with best practices.
World Service Conference* (WSC) Member
Required continuous abstinence: Five years plus completion of one in-depth study of the Twelve Steps, in sequence, within the current term of abstinence, per the WSI Standing Rules of Order.
Term of service: One year, from March 1 to February 28/29.
Required position: No (but strongly encouraged).
Purpose: Serve as a voting member at the annual World Service Business Convention.
*Election of the WSC Member occurs during the December, January, or February business meeting.
IMPORTANT NOTE:The World Service Conference is the assembly of all voting members. Each meeting is asked to elect a member who is committed to that specific meeting to serve as a voting member. However, this person is not a “delegate” and does not represent the collective voice of the meeting. The member is a trusted fellow whom the meeting feels is best prepared to have a voice and a vote as it applies to business conducted at the convention.
The role of the WSC Member is to:
Create and maintain a profile on the FA Website (
Ask the Meeting Contact to register the WSC member’s name and email to receive all communications related to the role.
Prepare for the convention in the following ways:
Register as a WSC Member on the FA website by choosing “For Members,” “Convention,” “Business Convention,” and “Conference Member Registration” under the Menu tabs.
If needed, apply for WSC member financial assistance (typically by January 15th).
Read the WSC Member Manual on the FA website by choosing “For Members,” “WSI Documents,” and “Governing Documents” under the Menu tab.
Be present and vote at all business sessions at the annual World Service Business Convention in Massachusetts.
Revised July 2024