EAI Service Group Support
The Service Group Support Committee supports the work of Local Service Groups in EAI. A Local Service Group consists of two or more FA members from more than one FA meeting group who combine resources to do service for FA in their area. In situations requiring a formal decision, only members with at least 90 days of continuous abstinence in FA who are working with an FA sponsor shall have a voice and a vote at local service group meetings.
Service Group Support Committee Meeting
Join us on Intergroup Sunday at 8:00am ET. Click here for the direct link to the meeting on Zoom.com or use the Zoom App on your smartphone and enter Meeting ID: 843 8867 7998, Passcode: 2020. For phone only (US), call 646-558-8656 and enter Meeting ID: 843 8867 7998, Passcode: 2020.To find your local phone number, click here.
Monthly Local Service Group Meetings (Times listed below are ET.)
- DC Area: 3rd Sunday, 10:00am-11:00am – Email: Akia W.
- Ithaca, NY: 1st Tuesday, 7:00pm-8:00pm – Email: Paula K.
- Louisville, KY: For date and time, send email - Email: Annie K.
- Southwest Florida: 3rd Thursday, 6:00pm-6:45pm – Email: Joy W.
- United Kingdom/Ireland (UK/IRE): 4th Sunday, 8:00am GMT/BST (UK Time) Email: JoJo A.
- Toronto, Canada: Last Monday, 12:30pm to 1:00pm - Email: Linda C.
- NYC-Tristate (New York City, Long Island, Westchester, NY; NJ; CT): 1st Thursday 7:00pm-8:00pm - Email: Kathryn W.
- Southeast Michigan: 1st Thursday, 7:15pm-7:45pm - Email: Aieda D.
- Massachusetts LSG: For date & time send email - Email: MA LSG
If you would like to update any details about your LSG meeting or contact info, please submit your changes using the link below.
LSG Toolbox – Let’s build!
The EAI Service Group Support Committee is compiling your sample agendas, meeting minute formats, flyers, LSG service position descriptions, and other helpful materials to share with the fellowship and other LSGs. Click the link below to find materials to help your LSG build and grow!
To submit materials that you have found useful in your own LSG/Chapter for inclusion in the LSG Toolbox, use the link below.
Eastern Area Intergroup Local Service Group Financial Aid Application
Eastern Area Intergroup supports local service groups that perform the public information, 12 Step, Office, Connection, and Teens & Twenties work defined by the respective World Service and intergroup committees in their areas. Expenses incurred from this work are normally funded by FA meetings. Since FA members may be doing these services in an area without a local meeting or where financial resources are not available, EAI is offering limited financial reimbursement to support these local service group efforts. Hence, the message of FA is spread and the fellowship strengthened in all areas, even when there are no established FA meetings in the area. The goal of these funds is to inspire and kickstart the presence and strength of FA recovery, rather than be a continual or indefinite funding source for an area.
An LSG may apply for up to $400 in a fiscal year. This amount is not guaranteed. Approval is contingent upon several factors including available funds, number of requests, and the proposed service project.
Contact Information
Akia W., Service Group Support Chair
Frequently Visited Links
- EAI Contact Info
- Donate to EAI
- Directions for Submitting Meeting Changes
- Expense Reimbursement Form (PDF)
- Expense Reimbursement Form (Online)
- Business Meeting-Secretary's Report
- Business Meeting-Treasurer's Report
- Meeting Effectiveness Questions
- EAI Meeting Directory Trifolds
- EAI Monthly Report
- EAI Home