Document 7a: Business Meeting Format
[Note to Secretary: Text in bold-faced type should be read aloud at each business meeting. Text in italics does not need to be read aloud; they are instructions for the secretary or examples of topics that may be relevant to each report. Please send this Agenda ahead of the monthly meeting to people who will be making reports.]
We typically have a business meeting each month, even if there is no apparent pressing business. Business meetings provide an opportunity to consider how effectively our meeting is reaching newcomers.
All FA members are welcome to attend these business meetings. Members with 90 days of continuous abstinence in FA who are working with an FA sponsor and who regularly attend this meeting are welcome to speak and to vote.
Let’s begin with a moment of silence followed by the Serenity Prayer.
Ask each representative/contact to share your report. Some reps/contacts might answer with “No report,” if they have not received anything that month from WSI or their intergroup or chapter.
Literature Representative
Does literature need to be ordered? If so, a motion/vote will be needed to spend the funds
Other updates regarding literature
Public Information Representative
Announcements regarding WSI weblinks, media watch, and healthcare watch
Discussion about upcoming PI initiatives, such as information sessions or health fairs
World Service Incorporated (WSI) Contact
Reading of WSI annual/quarterly reports or other WSI communications
Announcements of upcoming events sponsored by WSI
Intergroup and/or Chapter Contact
Reading of intergroup/chapter reports or other communications
Announcements of upcoming events sponsored by intergroup/chapter
MESA Representative (Meeting Effectiveness Support and Assistance)
MESA Resource Calls – report on previous topic and announce upcoming topic
Ask for any meeting concerns and lead the discussion
Pose a question from the Meeting Inventory section of the Meeting Effectiveness Questions (Document 9 of the Meeting Guidelines) and lead a brief discussion. Alternatively, a meeting may choose to have the MESA Rep may pose a question during meeting announcements (see Document 7) and forgo this discussion. This should be decided by group conscience at the business meeting.
Connection Representative
Report any upcoming Connection writing/art workshops or other communications
Meeting Contact
Report current status of the meeting information on the FA website. (Meeting contacts periodically review the meeting information on the FA website to verify that the service positions are filled and make updates to the contact/rep information when needed.)
Starting Balance $
Income over the last month (not including today’s collection) $
Rent paid $
Other expenses over the last month. Itemize below (if helpful): $
New Balance $________ [A+B-C-D]
Once a prudent reserve has been set aside, use the new balance to consider upcoming expenses (e.g., rent, videoconference license, literature, PI efforts, etc) when deciding how much to donate to WSI, IG, or Chapter.) Estimate here: $_____
Seventh Tradition Donations to chapter or intergroup* $
Seventh Tradition Donations to World Service Inc.* $
Ending Balance (should match the estimate above) $____ [E-F-G]
(Do not include prudent reserve**)
Amounts to be voted on during the business meeting.
** Each meeting typically keeps one or two months’ expenses in its prudent reserve as determined by
group conscience. The prudent reserve is not a factor in tallying monthly balances. It is held aside
for emergencies.
Old Business
Items/motions from previous meeting
New Business
Items/motions from today's meeting
Serenity Prayer
MEETING SERVICE POSITIONS Positions updated: Note your meeting’s agreed upon abstinence requirements, terms of service, and start and end dates for positions. Suggested periods of service and abstinence requirements are listed for some positions. The 5-year abstinence requirement and the 1-year term of service for WSC Member are not just suggestions; they are required by the WSI bylaws. Positions marked with an asterisk (*) are required positions for every meeting. A Connection Representative is only required for meetings that have subscriptions to the magazine. |
Service Positions For ALL Meetings’ |
FA Member’s Name, Email |
Suggested Service Period |
Suggested Abstinence Requirement |
Start Date |
Date of Next Change of Rotation |
WSI Contact* |
2 years |
2 years / 12-Step Study |
Intergroup Contact* |
2 years |
2 years / 12-Step Study |
Chapter Contact (if applicable) * |
2 years |
2 years / 12-Step Study |
Meeting Contact 1* |
2 years |
2 years / 12-Step Study |
Meeting Contact 2 |
2 years |
2 years / 12-Step Study |
Connection Rep |
1 year |
6 months |
Secretary* |
1 year |
1 year |
Treasurer* |
1 year |
2 years |
Speaker Seeker |
6 months |
2 years |
Literature Rep |
6 months |
6 months |
Greeter 1 |
6 months |
6 months |
Greeter 2 |
6 months |
6 months |
Elected WSC Member |
1 year |
5 years / 12-Step Study |
MESA Rep |
1 year |
1 year |
Public Information Rep |
2 years |
1 year |
Phone List Person |
6 months |
6 months |
+ Service Positions For In-Person Meetings |
FA Member’s Name, Email |
Suggested Service Period |
Suggested Abstinence Requirement |
Start Date |
Date of Next Change of Rotation |
Set-up Person 1 (w/key) |
6 months |
6 months |
Set-up Person 2 |
6 months |
90 days |
Closer 1 (w/key) |
6 months |
6 months |
Closer 2 |
6 months |
90 days |
+ Service Positions For Virtual Meetings |
FA Member’s Name, Email |
Suggested Period of Service |
Suggested Abstinence Requirement |
Start Date |
Date of Next Change in Rotation |
Meeting Host |
6 months |
1 year |
Slide Sharer |
6 months |
1 year |
Tech Support |
6 months |
1 year |
Revised June 2024