Stories of Recovery

These stories were originally published in the Connection, FA's monthly magazine written by food addicts, for food addicts. Each post shares a different author's perspective. Visit this page often to read more experience, strength, and hope about recovery in FA. To get the newest issue of Connection Magazine sent directly to your mailbox or inbox, click here to subscribe to the Connection.

Voices in my Head

Before I came into FA I had plenty of internal dialogue. Thoughts such as “better grab something now before I get hungry” and “whelp, today is already ruined, I will re-start my diet tomorrow” rattled and raved around in my brain constantly.  These voices were strengthening my disease, while weakening my will and spirit, and eventually diminishing all hope that I would ever gain control of my weight. I was tired of failed attempts to diet. I had always tweaked, adjusted and altered every diet I ever tried.  So when I came into FA, I declared I would do every crazy thing suggested, that way I could say the reason FA didn’t work was my sponsor’s failure, not mine.   For me, active food addiction equaled isolation. In the beginning, the hardest tools for me were the ones that required me to interact with other people; the telephone and meetings.  My... Continue Reading



Pioneer on the Frontier

Some time ago in December, I attended my first “FA meeting,” an OA meeting in Chelsea, Massachusetts whose attendees, fortunately for me, espoused the same precepts and tools we now use in FA. I was overweight and very low in self-esteem. After finding a sponsor at my very first meeting, I began working the program in earnest. Following my then husband’s career meant that I had to move away from Boston just nine months later. That was scary for me. Would I be able to stay abstinent and in recovery from far away? When I left Boston, I was on Step 8 in my face-to-face AWOL (the only kind we had then). My generous sponsor worked the remaining steps with me by phone over the next several months. Finishing the AWOL meant I was qualified to co-lead an AWOL. Over the next six years, my husband and I lived in... Continue Reading



Time Will Tell

I was 22 years old when I came into FA and lost 150 pounds. After a life of crazy relationships when in the food, I broke up with the addict I was living with when I came into FA, and I was ready to get right into the healthy dating game. However, this area of recovery was a very slow one for me, and I had to learn how to date in a saner way. After several serious relationships that did not result in marriage, I moved from Boston to Washington, DC, single. I moved to Washington, D.C. for a job, and I had pretty much given up on dating. I thought that I needed to surrender, and although I really wanted to get married and have a family, I figured that if it had not happened in 10 years of recovery, maybe God had a different plan for my... Continue Reading



A New Freedom

My husband and I have been married for many years, and the style of our dining room and living room reflect those years.  The furnishings are old and heavy.  When I was young, a friend and I went “antiquing” at garage sales and picked up and collected amazing “finds” such as oriental rugs, tables, chairs, and lamps.  They are still part of my house, and though they are OK, I really am tired of the look. Last Saturday morning, it snowed here in Cleveland. It was our Sabbath, and my husband and I had finished eating our lunch in the dining room.  I love arranging flowers, and on Fridays I usually buy a few small bunches of flowers at the supermarket.  From where I sat at the table, I saw the newly fallen snow, the beautiful simple flowers on the dining room table and the sideboard, the arrangement in the... Continue Reading



Trick or Treat

Elementary school is not a time I look back on fondly, but the day I got to go to school wearing my Halloween costume and my big wax lips made up for all the times in between.  I was in the second grade, and it was all about standing in lines.  Line up for recess, line up for lunch, line up to go back into the classroom, line up, and line up some more.   Standing in the line to go back into the classroom from recess, and proudly wearing my wax lips, a classmate reached over from the boys’ side of the line, yanked the lips out of my mouth, and put them in his own. Before he had a chance to clamp down, I reached over to his line and punched him in the nose. His mouth opened to wail in pain, and the lips fell onto the playground. ... Continue Reading