A Story of Recovery:

Finding FA in Costco

How I found FA was a total miracle! I had tried every diet, self-help books, drugs, and starving. You name it, I tried it. I was miserable at more than 245 pounds, killing myself slowly with all that flour, sugar, and quantities.

My doctor told me that I had type 2 diabetes, and I still could not stop eating. She said that I was not going to go blind or lose a limb, but that I might die of a massive heart attack! She said I was morbidly obese, but I still could not stop eating. I was hopeless, but desperate. So I got on my knees one day and asked God to help me. I had reached the end of my rope. I couldn’t do this anymore.

I had lived my life for my daughter. She was graduating from high school soon and would be going on with her life. I had to really look at myself at this point and decide if this was how I wanted to settle, being a size 3X and downright miserable.

After my prayer to God, an ad for LA weight loss came on TV; it was a half-off deal. So the next Saturday, I went there to inquire about it. They said I could lose 50 pounds in maybe one year. It would cost $2,200.00. I told them I was on disability and could not afford that; they said to put it on a credit card.

No way would I spend that kind of money for a diet. I was so desperate that on Tuesday, at Costco, I told a worker friend that I was going to eat only protein and vegetables until I got the weight off. A woman walked by and said, “I’m not supposed to promote this and I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but I just came from an FA meeting and it’s changed my life.” I asked what FA was and she said to come to the next meeting on Thursday.

I dieted until Thursday. The meeting was three blocks from where I live. I walked in and found my home, where I was always meant to be.

My life is unbelievable. I lost 115 pounds in 10 months, my diabetes is in remission, I’m no longer addicted to Vicodin, and my relationship with my husband is 100% better. I’m getting out of debt and don’t even use my credit cards. Life still happens, but today I have a solution; no matter what happens, I don’t have to eat over it! Thank you God!


This story was originally published in the Connection Magazine. Subscribe to the Connection Magazine for more stories of recovery. Or submit your own story of recovery.