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Community Information Sessions

These events educate the public about Food Addiction and the FA program of recovery

Information sessions are designed to educate the general public and professionals about FA. We offer two types of information sessions each with its own format: a session for the community and a session for professionals. These sessions can be organized at the Intergroup or Chapter level, the Local Service Group level, or the meeting level, with PI Representatives coordinating the work. 

Community In-Person Information Sessions

Community In-Person Information Sessions are designed to educate the general public about FA recovery. They are meant to reach suffering food addicts who might be curious, and people in their lives who might be concerned. 

Often fellowships or meetings reach a point where meetings are robust and stable and have members able to sponsor newcomers. Information Sessions can also provide an opportunity for newcomers and the fellowship to hear from members from outside the area, who can convey the hope of long-term abstinence. 

Resources for Running an In-Person Information Session

​Community Virtual Information Sessions

Community Virtual Information Sessions are designed to educate the general public about FA recovery. They are meant to reach suffering food addicts who might be curious, and people in their lives who might be concerned.

How to Organize and Run a Virtual Public Information Session

A GUIDE to Organize and Run a Virtual Public Information Session

Email eaipi@foodaddicts.org if interested in a one-hour workshop to go over the GUIDE [35 minutes to cover the GUIDE and 25 minutes for Q&A].

Summarized GUIDE for PI Reps & Meeting Members to host a Virtual Public Information Session

Resources for Running a Virtual Information Session

Virtual Public Information Session, VPIS, Public Info Session, Virtual PI Session