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Document 1: Meeting Requirements, Standards, Registration and Changes


The bylaws of Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA), Inc., require that each FA meeting register with an FA intergroup and comply with applicable provisions of FA World Service, Inc.(WSI) bylaws and the bylaws of an affiliated FA intergroup. In order to register, a meeting must agree to the FA conference-approved requirements and standards that define an FA meeting. In order to register, a meeting must agree to the requirements and standards that define an FA meeting, as listed in the Conference-approved 2024 Standing Rule of Order. All new meetings will be asked to affirm that they will adhere to these requirements upon initial registration. As part of a periodic re-registration process, all existing meetings must affirm that they continue to adhere to all applicable meeting requirements listed in the 2024 SRO.

The FA In-Person Meeting Format is in Meeting Guidelines Document 4, the FA Videoconference Meeting Format is in Meeting Guidelines Document 4c, and the FA Telephone Meeting Format is in Meeting Guidelines Document 4d. 

Meetings that comply with the meeting requirements and standards may be registered with FA World Service, Inc. and with an FA intergroup. This process ensures uniformity of the FA meeting format. The requirements for registration (or re-registration) as an FA meeting group are stated below. The provisions marked with an asterisk (*) come from Article IV, Section 1 of the WSI Bylaws and can only be amended by following the process for amending the Bylaws.

  • Meet in person, by videoconference (including telephone access), or by telephone.*

  • Meet for 90 minutes.

  • At in-person meetings, meet in a facility that is open to the public and arrange chairs in theater style, in rows facing the speaker.

  • Have as its primary purpose carrying the FA message of recovery to food addicts who still suffer.*

  • Register with an FA intergroup and comply with its bylaws.*

  • Comply with the WSI bylaws.*

  • Welcome all who have a desire to stop eating addictively.*

  • Adhere to the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of FA.*

  • Offer for sale or distribution or for reading during a meeting only the following:

    • FA Conference-approved literature.

    • FA Conference-recognized literature.

    • WSI board-approved material.

    • Material distributed by the boards or committees of WSI, FA intergroups, or FA chapters.

    • Telephone lists of registered FA meetings.

    • Meeting directories of registered FA meetings.

    • FA Information Session notices.

  • Refrain from distributing food plans as approved meeting documents. However, food plans may be shared between sponsors and sponsees as a component of the complete program of recovery.

  • Elect the following required service positions:

    • WSI contact.

    • Meeting contact.

    • Intergroup contact.

    • Chapter contact (if registered with an FA chapter as well as an FA intergroup).

    • Secretary.

    • Treasurer.

  • Use the appropriate FA Meeting Format found on the FA website, which includes these required items:

    • The FA Preamble.

    • The Twelve Steps as adapted by FA.*

    • The Twelve Traditions as adapted by FA.*

    • The definition of food addiction.*

    • The definition of abstinence.*

    • “How It Works” and “The Promises” from Alcoholics Anonymous’ Big Book.

    • The FA tools of recovery.

    • A break approximately midway through the meeting for greeting newcomers and visitors.^

    • The statement that only persons with 90 days or more of continuous abstinence in FA who are working with an FA sponsor will be invited to share.*

    • The statement that only persons with 90 days or more of continuous abstinence in FA who are working with an FA sponsor and who regularly attend the meeting will have a voice and a vote at the meeting group’s’ business meetings.*

    • Announcements welcoming newcomers and visitors, identifying available sponsors, and explaining how to donate as per the Seventh Tradition.

These items may not be altered from the wording in the FA Meetings Formats found on the FA website. Suggested wording for the announcements referenced in the final bullet above and for a section on guidelines or rules of meeting etiquette are provided in the FA Meeting Formats on the FA website, but these may be changed to suit individual meetings.

Any group of people that chooses not to adhere to the registration requirements above will not be recognized as a registered FA meeting group. The group will not appear on the FA website or be listed in any FA meeting directories, may not use the FA name or format, and may not have its meetings announced at FA group meetings, intergroup meetings, or chapter meetings.

^ The WSB acknowledges that at present it is difficult for large telephone meetings to have a break during their meetings, as is required above. The WSB encourages those meetings to seek technological options, such as the equivalent of videoconference break-out rooms, with the goal of meeting this requirement in the future.

A meeting may only elect a World Service Conference (WSC) member who regularly attends that meeting. Review WSC member requirements and responsibilities here.

To start a new meeting the FA World Service Board strongly suggests there be at least two members with six or more months of continuous FA abstinence, committed to regular attendance.

Registering a New Meeting: 

  • Register the new meeting via your FA profile at www.foodaddicts.org. 

  • Complete the form specifying the format platform.

  • Click the box to verify that your meeting has agreed to comply with the meeting requirements and standards detailed within this document.

  • Once the new meeting registration request is submitted, your intergroup office committee will add your meeting to the directory. 

Re-Registering a Meeting: 

  • Re-register the meeting via your FA profile at www.foodaddicts.org. 

  • Update the form specifying the format platform and any other changes.

  • Click the box to verify that your meeting has agreed to comply with the meeting requirements and standards detailed within this document.

  • Once the new meeting registration request is submitted, your intergroup office committee will add your meeting to the directory. 

Changing Meeting Information: 

World Service lists all registered FA meetings on the website. They must be informed of any changes related to meeting logistics (day, time, location, meeting ID, passcode, phone number) and registered service positions (names, contact information). The Meeting Contact is responsible for submitting meeting change requests. 

  • Log into your FA profile on FA’s website at www.foodaddicts.org. 

  • Update and submit the meeting change request form.

  • Once the meeting change request is submitted, your intergroup office committee will update any meeting changes in the directory. 

Please allow 7 to 10 days for your Intergroup/Chapter Office to process your request. Once the request is processed, the changes will appear immediately on the FA website meeting directory. This information is also used to create the intergroup, chapter, and local printed directories. The effectiveness of FA service is dependent upon the accuracy of the meeting information. Please help us keep the FA website and directories up to date and send changes as soon as they occur. Thank you for your service.

Revised June 2024