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Important Message About Mental Health Care and Treatment

Dear Fellows,

The World Service Board (WSB) is writing to address the subject of mental health care and treatment. FA takes NO position on the use or discontinuation of mental health medications or treatments. Such decisions are to be made between fellows and their healthcare provider(s). However, despite previous communications, some FA members continue to report feeling pressured to discontinue the use of medication prescribed for their mental health, to not start this type of medication, and/or to cease or not seek psychotherapy.

Consequently, the WSB believes it is critical to reiterate, in no uncertain terms, that: 

  • "FA has no position or opinion on medical, religious, or any other non-FA matters, including the use or discontinuance of prescription medications. We urge our members to consult their physicians regarding all medical questions and, when they are guiding newer members in FA, to suggest that they do the same." Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (p.12) 
  • "FA sponsors cannot and should not give direction or advice regarding mood altering (psychotropic) medications. We leave such matters to the sponsee and their physician. Instead, we help our sponsees focus on abstinence, gratitude, and service, which are the sources of personal change in our program." “Some Thoughts on Sponsoring” (p. 6)

The WSB has no ability to regulate or control members, sponsors, or sponsor suggestions. However, our legal counsel has informed us that members who instruct, suggest, imply, or otherwise encourage another member to disregard the advice of a medical professional, are putting the other member, themselves, and our entire fellowship at risk. The WSB has been advised that laws exist in many jurisdictions that have been used to impose a wide variety of civil and/or criminal penalties on individuals and groups for direct and/or indirect actions, such as practicing medicine without a license. 

Therefore, while we encourage open and honest conversations, sponsors, meeting leaders, and fellows should never attempt to overrule or offer medical advice with respect to another member’s decisions to continue or discontinue their doctor-prescribed medications and/or to seek or stop medical or psychiatric treatment of any kind, including medication prescribed or therapy undertaken to support the mental health of our members. 


  • Remember that sponsors are simply FA members doing their best to help their sponsees become and stay abstinent. They are not acting in the capacity of a medical professional. 
  • Any medical/medication issues should be addressed with your personal healthcare provider(s) 
  • If your sponsor suggests you stop taking prescribed medication(s) meant to support your mental health or physical wellbeing, you are free to find another sponsor willing to defer to the guidance of your healthcare provider(s).

It is our deep hope that these words will help all FA members feel welcome, safe, and supported at every turn in their recovery journey. 

In unity and service,

Your World Service Board

October 2022