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Make a Donation

Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous is fully self-supporting. We do not accept outside contributions. You must be an FA member to make a donation. The only requirement for FA membership is a desire to stop eating addictively.

FA members may also send donations by mail to: FA-WSI, 400 W. Cummings Park, Suite 1700, Woburn, MA 01801 (send U.S. funds with meeting's day, time, and location or member's name).

Online donations to FA-WSI are preferred, to reduce administrative costs. For your convenience, you can set up an automatic recurring monthly donation. Please contact web@foodaddicts.org with any questions regarding your recurring monthly donation.

For more information about donations, see the pamphlet 'Your FA Seventh Tradition.


Thank you for your generous donation to FA World Service.

You must login to make a donation online.

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Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous is fully self-supporting.