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Service Group Support Committee Minutes - Sunday, January 22, 2023


Akia, DC; Alejandra; Ana O., CA; Anne H., NY; Barbara R., CA; Barbara S.; Beverly D.; Brenda B.; Catherine R., ME; Cathy C., CA; Cristina; Dalia, TX; Elisa C., CA; Georgia W.; Gramel, OH; Guadalupe; Ione W., TX; Karen N., CA; Kathryn W.; KiM C-S., ME; Linda B.; Linda C., ON; Lizette; Maria F.; Maria G.; Mary F.; Mary Lou R., NY; Melissa S., OR; Michele L.C.; Oshimmer, CA; Pierrette L., ON; Rebecca R., CA; Rob R., ON; Rosie A, CA; Sandra J., NC; Shirley H., ME; Susan F., CA; Susan W., OH; Tami J.; Tara R., CA; Veronica

Welcome and Introduction

Forty-one fellows attended

The first time this global meeting used the Zoom language interpretation for Spanish. Gave direction to those wishing to access the interpretation feature.

Serenity Prayer

Review and Update SGSC: Shirley H


  • FA Structure
  • How Service Groups and SGSC fits
  • Intergroup, Chapter and Local Service
  • Group (LSG) Guidelines

See PowerPoint Presentation with Notes 

Action Item: FA members: If you plan to attend the World Service Business Convention consider arriving early on Friday to participate in the Forum: June 2nd, 1-4 pm (13:00-16:00)

Deep Dive: LSG Guidelines: Akia and Susan F

The LSG updated Guidelines answer some of the meaty questions asked by the fellowship.

  1. Why form a local service group since we have online Meetings? 
    These service groups are defined as “two or more FA members from more than one FA meeting group who combine resources to do service.” However, since our fellowship included virtual and telephone meetings in 2021, we broadened our interpretation of this official definition to be two or more FA members who combine resources to do service in a targeted area.  The idea is that:  Where there is one FA member in an area, FA exists in that area!  Forming a local service group in that area brings those fellows together to strengthen their recovery through service.

FA members could form an LSG targeting a group rather than a geographic area, for example, French-speaking people.

Phone Meetings - would LSG fellowships work where the phone meeting members do not have computer access or knowledge of computers? 
The LSG will cover whatever geographical region as agreed by the phone meetings. The service may be done by phone instead of zoom. Different areas need different tools and resources.  

Is it best to have one LSG for three meetings or three LSGs for three meetings? 
The idea is to unite the meetings based on whatever the meetings decide is the region/language/commonality/targeted group they want to support with one LSG for the multiple meetings. 

2. How does an LSG work with other committees?

An LSG uses the tools and resources created by the World Service and Intergroup committees (Public Information, Teens & Twenties, Office, Twelve Step, and connection committees). The LSG is the hands and feet that use the tools and resources to serve a targeted area or community. 

3. How do LSGs fund service events?

An LSG can create a treasury to receive money from FA fellows and its area meetings to pay for expenses related to its meeting space and outreach/fellowship support efforts.  An LSG can elect service positions, such as treasurer, secretary, etc. There is a funding application in the process, where LSGs can request funding from the intergroups (Eastern Area Intergroup and Western Area Intergroup). The Guidelines offer details regarding best practices for managing Seventh Tradition Funds.

4. Does an LSG need its own videoconference account? 

That depends on the circumstances. The Traditions Committee sees no conflict with an LSG using the videoconference account from an existing registered FA meeting that agrees to share so long as the times for use do not conflict or overlap with the meeting. However,  LSGs may prefer the freedom and flexibility to schedule virtual events or sessions at any time. In those situations securing a separate videoconference account might be a better way.

5. How does an LSG get started? 

There are many ways an LSG gets started. Connect with FA members in your area to determine their interests. Schedule a gathering to discuss events in your area. Make a plan and select a small event or project, like placing trifold racks in the community or sponsoring a booth at a health fair. Promote and announce the LSG meetings and activities at FA meetings and Intergroup.

6. How do we keep the LSG active?
There are so many wonderful ways to generate interest and establish momentum. Generally, just plan a service event!  

- Select one or two achievable activities that will reach other food addicts. 
- Assign service positions 
- Coordinate events with PI reps
- Prepare and send agendas 
- Announce LSG meetings and active projects at your meetings during the announcements and/or           business meetings
- Organize a connection magazine writing workshop.
- Share your experiences (good, bad) and outcomes

7. What types of service inspire FA members to get involved? 
FA members love to support their recovery through service! Remember, “any service, no matter how small, adds to the quality of our own recovery.” Events like:

- Health fairs 
- Fellowship days 
- Placing trifolds in the community 
- Donating books to libraries
- Public Information Sessions
- See the Guidelines for more ideas

8. What help is available?

- LSG or Chapter Guidelines
- Service Group Support Committee
- connection Committee
- Office Committee
- Public Information Committee
- Teens and Twenties Outreach Events 

All of this information is contained in the Guidelines 

Action Items:
The SGSC will post the LSG Guidelines on the FA website asap!

Service Group Sharing Session: An opportunity to learn from each other!

Eastern Area Intergroup: Akia

Western Area Intergroup: Susan F

Maine Chapter: Catherine R

Local Service Groups 
  NY: Anne H
  SW Florida: Barbara S 

Eastern Area Intergroup Report: Akia

  • The Teens and Twenties Committee held an FA Information Session January 29th at 2:30PM.
  • The PI Committee is working on a kit for how to do videoconference PI Sessions
  • The EAI SGSC is working on an LSG Bulletin Board template which LSGs can use to facilitate communication.

Western Area Intergroup Report: Susan F
WAI has been actively planning and doing various service events over the past year or so.

  • PI Committee - ramping up to identify areas interested in conducting FA information sessions, placing trifolds, donating the FA Book to libraries, and hosting a table at health fairs. I believe that FA members in Dallas, Texas, recently participated in several health fairs.
  • The 12th Step Committee has been very active and has a number of events in the planning stages.
  • eForums - Two eForum sessions on “Service is Fun” are scheduled at the end of January 28 & 29. The session on Saturday is at 7 PM Eastern / 4 PM Pacific, and on Sunday, it begins at 1 PM Eastern / 10 AM Pacific. Both sessions have three speakers who will share the value of service to support and strengthen their recovery.

Open Share: Is there a service group in your area? Are you thinking of starting one? Projects and activities that have worked well? Challenges?

  • Other topics for future eForums are “The first 90 days,” and “Staying Abstinent through Difficulty.” The committee is developing additional themes, so we’ll look forward to hearing about those subject areas as they are announced.
  • Following the success of EAI’s crosstalk video, WAI is planning a discussion on this important topic and aiming for a date in March.
  • For many years, fellows in the U.S. have enjoyed hosting and participating in annual Thank-a-Thon meetings in observance of the American Thanksgiving holiday. Since recognition and reflection on gratitude are so valuable, the Twelve Step Committee is planning a series of worldwide gratitude-themed meetings and events for fellows at other times of the year. These will probably be scheduled in the second half of 2023, beginning shortly after the business conference.
  • A number of exciting initiatives are in the works for the language subcommittee.
  • Ten Spanish-speaking FA members recently finished an AWOL conducted in Spanish, and another already has 45 people signed up.
  • Members of WAI are working with World Service to support the translation of the FA Book in Spanish. That version is in final editing right now and should be available in the near future.
    UPDATE SINCE THE MEETING: The Literature Committee reports the FA Book translation is on schedule for hopefully 2024. There are still lots of steps to go.
  • Another Spanish translation project is for articles from connection magazine. This is already being done informally for use at Spanish language meetings, and the committee is in communication with World Service to make these available to all FA members through the website.
  • Speaking of connection, many of you are aware of the recent survey, and though that team is still compiling and reviewing all of the valuable feedback received, one message came through loud and clear. FA members would like more diverse and varied cultural representation in magazine articles and art. More writing workshops are planned to support this goal, including sessions in languages other than English. 

Maine Chapter Report: Cathryn R and KiM C-S

  • The Maine Chapter is affiliated with the Eastern Area Intergroup. There are twelve registered meetings from Maine and Southern New Hampshire (eight videoconferences, two in-person, and two phone meetings).
  • Funding for the Maine Chapter comes from the meetings we support. Meetings donate funds via a Seventh Tradition donation to the Chapter when they have funds exceeding the needs of the meeting. Any funds not used for Chapter expenses are donated at 50% each to WSI and EAI.
  • The Chapter meets virtually on the third Sunday of the month.
  • The Chapter has three standing committees: Office, Public Information and 12th Step Committee.
  • An Ad Hoc Committee is convened annually to consider motions for the World Service Business Convention
  • The Office Committee is the communication hub for the Maine Chapter, our 12 meetings, and the public in our region. The Committee:
    1. Responds to requests from FA members and the community.
    2. Keeps information up to date on the FA website. They have identified needs and formats as well as provided feedback in support of the development of the FA website redesign and the work of the Maine Chapter.
    3. The Committee also emails the Chapter Agendas, Minutes and Highlights to all FA members affiliated with the Chapter and registered on the FA website. The Highlights keep members up to date on events, Chapter resources, and PI and Twelve Step service opportunities. The Highlights also include contact information for the 12 meetings in our region.
  • The PI Committee educates the community about FA.
    1. The Committee is working to raise awareness online and in print papers about FA. The current focus is helping people find the FA website, the Maine Chapter Information Line and local meetings. Content for print papers focuses on stories of recovery and notification of upcoming Public Information events
    2. The Committee participated in three events this fall:
      1. The Maine National Association of Social Workers (NASW), where a panel of FA members shared their stories, and FA Healthcare Provider PowerPoint presentation.
      2. The Maine Association of Physician Assistants (MEAPA). Where the Chapter sponsored an FA Booth. Many fellows took shifts at the booth. Fellowship was a highlight for those who participated.
      3. An FA PI session supported by multiple meetings at the Portland Recovery Community Center. This facility supports the broader recovery community in Portland as well as facilities throughout Maine.
    3. The PI Committee is also exploring the potential for an article in Journey magazine which is published throughout the state, to support recovery.  
    4. The PI Committee is working with a professor from the University of Maine in Augusta in presenting about FA in a Counseling and Substance Use Disorders class.
    5. The Committee coordinates coverage for the Chapter’s phone line and looks for and responds to opportunities to raise awareness about FA
    6. The Committee has also listed all the Chapter Meetings on a Maine Online Calendar.
  • The Twelve Step Committee:
    1. The Committee maintains a service list of members willing to do service in FA when the needs arise.
    2. Historically, this committee has supported writing sessions, e-sessions, an annual in-person Meeting Support Day, and literature maintenance and distribution in support of meetings. With the advent of COVID and the move to virtual meetings, the Chapter is now considering how best to support the efforts and needs of Twelve Step Committee work.

NY Ithaca LSG: Anne H

  • The Ithaca LSG is guided by the principle that: I am responsible when anyone reaches out for help. I want the hand of FA always to be there, and for that, I am responsible.
  • Being part of a local service group is important to my personal recovery updated offered in-person events, including a Statewide Fellowship Day last fall.

SW Florida LSG: Barbara S

  • Annual planning process
  • Creating a foundation (Gmail, Google, Zoom, Google Drive)
  • Projects (Meeting Directory racks & EventBrite)
  • Process of rebuilding
  • New projects (Posting FA Meetings on the FaceBook Events page (this is a calendar listing),  Health Fair)

Group Discussion

  • Interest was expressed to form a Chapter for Spanish speakers
  • Feedback from the interpreter, continuous interpreting for 90 minutes is a lot! Easier to translate a conversation vs. jargon. When specific dates are presented, it is helpful to give them to the interpreter ahead of time. 

cross-talk, cross talk, crosstalk