A Story of Recovery:

Soft Prayer

There is a secret that lives within me: my addiction to food; the uncontrollable desire to overeat.

The foods that I am addicted to are salty snacks and sugar. When shopping, I know exactly what to do to avoid those things: circle the store and stay in the outer aisle, where the healthiest foods are. I stock my basket with the healthy stuff. But I am ambushed while waiting on the check-out line. Sugary items are stacked to my left and my favorite salty, crunchy, “you can’t eat just one” items are stocked to my right. It is impossible to not reach for these items, especially when they are on sale. “Buy one get one free.” I am even happier.

This has all changed now, as a result of going to FA and making a commitment to myself, my sponsor and the God within and my family. I resist the temptation to reach for a “you can’t eat just one” items. I now make the right choice for my health. 

In the past, I would equate an upcoming event with all the food that would be served, and couldn’t wait to go. If I was attending an art exhibit, the food was just as important as the art. Since joining FA, I’ve gone to two exhibitions and one wedding and survived the food served there. Unfortunately, however, my disease got the best of me and I did not remain abstinent during a birthday party. One sip of a sugary drink is all it took to set me back to square one, after having 27 days of abstinence.

Starting over has made me more resolved to take it one day at a time, one moment at a time and to trust in the God that dwells within. Soft praying gives me strength and courage to remain abstinent. 


This story was originally published in the Connection Magazine. Subscribe to the Connection Magazine for more stories of recovery. Or submit your own story of recovery.